Polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE)

Better Implant. Better Surgical Outcome.

ePTFE Facial Implants

The Gold Standard of Facial Implants

  • ePTFE is the recommended choice for facial implant procedures because it is inert with very low risk of complications or adverse reaction from the body.
  • ePTFE can promote tissue in-growth, and reduces implant migration, erosion, and scaring.
  • ePTFE has long been utilized for implantable medical devices because of its proven track record for biocompatibility.

The unique structure of Surgifrom's ePTFE with its internodal distance (20-30 microns) make our material optimally suited to applications requiring soft tissue in-growth.


ePTFE Implant Surface Structure

Controlled Tissue Integration (C.T.I.)

Expanded PTFE can be configured to provide varying amounts of tissue integration by adjusting the node and fibril micro-structure. PureForm Facial Implants are designed to provide controlled tissue integration (CTI) for the purpose of stabilizing our implants, minimizing foreign body reaction, and scar tissue.

The "Node and Fibril" microstructure seen above is optimized to facilitate soft tissue in-growth while ensuring that the implant can be easily explanted with blunt dissection. CTI design minimizes the formation of a fibrotic capsule, providing a consistent and predictable surgical outcome, as well as a high level of patient satisfaction.

Ideal Facial Implant Material ePTFE
Extremely Biocompatible - does not elicit a foreign body response.
Micro-porous "node and fibril" structure promotes Controlled Tissue Integration (CTI) into the implant surface
Predictable tissue in-growth stabilizes the implant preventing migration and extrusion
A reduced tissue or foreign body response minimizes seroma and edema, speeding the healing process response as compared to silicone implants
Easily explanted with blunt dissection without trauma to surrounding soft tissue
Tissue ingrowth minimizes scarring and contracture, providing a lasting superior surgical result
Implants may be impregnated with antibiotics

PureForm ePTFE Facial Implants

Our preformed ePTFE chin, nasal, and malar implants are the ideal alloplastic for most facial augmentation applications. Our implants are solid ePTFE, not silicone with an ePTFE coating that will be removed while trimming or modifying the implant.  

SFAM (ePTFE Sheets and Carvable Blocks)

SFAM (Surgiform Facial Augmentation Material) ePTFE Sheet and Carvable Blocks are 100% ePTFE that can be carved to suit many plastic and reconstructive applications such as custom implants,  facial wasting, and forehead augmentation.